Going Green & No TV
Happy Earth Day! To celebrate the day, James and I attended a Babies Go Green Party today. Yes, I did take him in his cloth diapers. No, we did not hug trees...but we did water them. (Babies love water, trees love water. It's all good.)
We are also celebrating National TV Turnoff Week -- that's right, no television in this household this week. I do admit to some cheating, because I have still spent some time at my laptop this week (like right now!) so I am getting screen time and entertainment in a slightly different form. And I do plan on watching American Idol highlights, an episode of The Office and the new episode of Lost after they are all posted online. Which is STILL LIKE TV, I KNOW...but my TV set will not be turned on this week. Period. Why? There are several reasons:
1) Now that I'm a SAHM I have tried to replace human interaction with TV. Not good!
2) The commercialism that TV promotes has begun to affect me.
3) My (almost) 2 month old son doesn't need TV time. He's already absorbing things and learning from my habits.
4) TV takes up too much time that could be used for other things.
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