Who Wants Clean House?

I'm addicted to this tv show on the Style Network called "Clean House." (James and Baby G always take their naps while it is on.) It's pretty much like "Clean Sweep," only with more attitude. I watch this show 3 times a week, and it never fails to horrify and amaze me. Every. single. time.

Now granted, I'm a messy person. Just ask my Dear Husband! He will testify to that any time you'd like to talk about it. But eventually I have to face my clutter and deal with it. In fact, when I do that on a reglar basis (eg daily) then my life is calmer and my days are smoother.

Which is why I'm in shock at how these people on Clean House live everyday. How do you function in a room that you can't even walk into or sit down in? How do you live in the present when your house is overrun with furniture and knickknacks from your past that you don't even use?

The most interesting aspect of the show, IMHO, is getting down to the nitty-gritty: figuring out why people can't give up their material possessions in order to have a clean, functioning home. There is ALWAYS some kind of underlying issue. Some of them have parents who are pack-rats and taught them to live this way. (Another reminder that modeling good behaviors for my son is so important!) Others have a spouse or parent who died, and they equate the memories of their loved one with their loved one's belongings. Yet others become hoarders because they "might need" their junk someday.

Here's what dear FlyLady has to say:

Clutter has been our security blanket for a very long time. It protected us from people, hard times and having to face ourselves. When our homes are cluttered, we don’t have people over. That way we don’t have to open ourselves up for the public to see how we really are.

If you are having anxiety attacks about releasing some of this clutter in
your home; stop and think about what you are afraid of.

1. Is it the security of have 3 of an item, in case one breaks?
2. How about the memories that the item evokes when you see it?
3. And there is always the “Aunt Mary gave us this when we married.”
4. I spent a lot of money on this. I can’t possibly give it away.
5. Oh, I can fix this, but it has been in the basement for 15 years waiting to be fixed.

I want you to think about these reasons and look deep into the heart of them.

I love you, Flylady! You are the master at getting to the heart of the issue. Maybe you should co-host Clean House?


Michelle G. said...

I have never seen Clean House but it does sound interesting... I also love FlyLady!